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Return Policy

If you received an item that is damaged or faulty we will happily replace the item at no additional cost to you.

Please contact us within 48 hours after receiving your items. Our store do not accept Returns or do refunds. We do offer Exchanges only, the restocking fee (30%) will be deducted total, the remaining will be added toward your replacement item or items.

We can only offer you replacements at no additional cost if it falls under below criteria: Items are faulty – damaged/broken or soiled upon arrival. Parcels that is lost in transit. We do not accept returns or refunds if customer changes their mind after receiving their order(s). Note: Store Name will not be held liable to any lost or misroute parcels.

Please ensure that all the information you have provided is correct before submitting your order to prevent losses in mail or other mishaps from happening. international customer must provide phone number.

If you have other concerns, please contact our Customer Service belowl :